TimeSkip: Part the Eleventh

<< Chapter Index Of course, keeping the fact that she was pregnant was easier said than done.  After undergoing several tests, including a rape test that was complete embarrassing and which created more questions than anything, Bella was allowed to go home. Bella couldn’t figure out if it was a good or a bad thingContinue reading “TimeSkip: Part the Eleventh”

TimeSkip: Part the Tenth

<< Chapter Index >> Bella was unbelievably cold and wet.  She was aware that she was still in her Orion silks.  Spock—age twelve—had disappeared in the evening the first night—but had returned in the early morning and had taken her to a strange apartment up in the mountains, the one wall that looked out towardContinue reading “TimeSkip: Part the Tenth”

TimeSkip: Part the Ninth

<< Chapter Index >> Spock had been made Captain of the Enterprise, and Jim, of all people, Commander.  When Spock had confessed everything that had happened since the Enterprise left dock, before she had appeared on Delta Vega, his hands skating up her naked ribcage as his pointed ear was pressed above her heart, sheContinue reading “TimeSkip: Part the Ninth”

TimeSkip: Part the Eighth

<< Chapter Index >> She must have fallen asleep when Sarek suggested that she rest when they wait for news about what was happening.  They were still in the sparse quarters on the Enterprise, and she was monitoring Spock through her mind when the exhaustion of everything that had happened—and the fact that as farContinue reading “TimeSkip: Part the Eighth”

TimeSkip: Part the Seventh

<< Chapter Index >> Of course, Bella had remembered Dr. McCoy from Starfleet, and he had merely grumbled about “Not Vulcans” before patching her up. “Do you need birth control?” he asked her plainly, his voice gruff.  His Terran eyes looked over her.  “You don’t seem to have much on you.” Bella blinked at him,Continue reading “TimeSkip: Part the Seventh”

TimeSkip: Part the Sixth

<< Chapter Index >> Edward Cullen was missing.  It was all over the school when Bella returned that Monday, although she—of course—already knew.  She took several deep breaths and wondered why everything seemed so alien to her.  How did she function before she could feel the presence of Spock in her mind?  Always there, alwaysContinue reading “TimeSkip: Part the Sixth”

TimeSkip: Part the Fifth

<< Chapter Index >> Bella’s eyes fluttered open and she wondered exactly what had happened.  She searched for her link to Spock in her mind and found it, there, in the back near the core, warmth and worry and desire and sadness slithering through into her thoughts. Her throat constricted in fear and she feltContinue reading “TimeSkip: Part the Fifth”

TimeSkip: Part the Fourth

<< Chapter Index >> Bella breathed in the cool smell of rain and looked up just as the heavens were opening up—on this planet that was earth and yet wasn’t earth— Spock was lecturing that morning and then had office hours.  He was taking her out during his lunch hour to purchase her a weddingContinue reading “TimeSkip: Part the Fourth”

TimeSkip: Part the Third

<< Chapter Index >> Bella knew intellectually that Spock could feel her trepidation through the bond.  When they had arrived back at their quarters, he had informed her that it was late and she, as far as he was ever able to discern, required approximately seven-point-five hours of uninterrupted sleep. When she asked him whatContinue reading “TimeSkip: Part the Third”